Saturday, May 18, 2013

The End of All Things Is Near

 1 Peter 4:7The end of all things is near; therefore, be of sound judgment and sober spirit for the purpose of prayer.

How is the end of all things refreshing?  We know that our striving and struggle will not go on forever. Whatever battles we face today will soon come to an end.  The end for the sinner is something to be greatly feared.  The end for the saint is something to rejoice over and look forward to.  Our treasure is in and with Christ.  None of us have any remote idea how great the things are that are waiting for us when our battles here are over.

While we are here we must do what we have been called to do and fight the good fight in faith.  We must pray and keep our eyes on Jesus.  He alone is the focus the Lord God our Father has called us to.  So much in life is irrelevant with no eternal value whatsoever.  Let us remember those few things that do have eternal value and focus on them.  The end of all things is near and while we endure to the end we have help from our Lord to make it through the troubles of each day, one day at a time until we see our Lord face to face and rejoice.

Lift your chin up and give thanks today, right now for whatever in your life is worthy of thanks.  We can all be thankful for something even if its just waking up breathing.  Keep the faith, pray for each other and please pray for me.  There is miracle working power in each and every prayer offered in faith.

grace and peace

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